Hello friends,
I want to introduce our new business in Blacksburg, Virginia. We have opened up an anti-aging med spa. A med spa is a hybrid between the traditional day spa and a medical clinic. We are offering medical technology with traditional relaxation to create an experience that rejuvenates your skin and your health while easing your mind at the same time. We offer non-invasive aesthetic medical services performed by a trained and qualified practitioner. We also offer services for the inner self such as hormonal balancing and weight reduction. As a Nurse Practitioner, I make diagnoses, develop treatment plans and even prescribe medication, with collaboration of a medical doctor.
A med spa is a fantastic way to combine medical beauty procedures with traditional spa treatments in order to achieve an outcome that complements the whole person. Our goal is to help you achieve ultimate wellness by meeting your needs both medically and holistically. Out services are there to help you feel good about yourself inside and out.
We offer therapies that help reduce the anxiety associated with aging. Our goal is to help you stay healthy in an aging world. Aging poses big challenges for healthcare. Together with technology and old techniques we offer the opportunity to manage them. Preserving your health is our main concern. No matter what your life state is, you have the ability to make yourself feel better. We are here to help you look and feel your best. You are never too young to project a youthful persona. It is important to feel good in your body. If you do others will see you as confident and will love to be around you.
Pamper yourself. You are worth it.